'Flight Patterns'
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Flight-Patterns-deceit-migratory-instinct/dp/B09SNW9KCX 'A candid non-pretentious tale of chasing love and bird migration set between the insular confines of the Falkland Islands and the contrasting city life of Buenos Aires. Both observational and confessional, Flight Patterns follows a love affair across two continents as it burns on it's intense yet doomed trajectory. From a critique on international politics, to the public faces of denial and hypocrisy in issues of conservation and public life, Flight Patterns is as much a love story as it is an examination of all socio-political functioning hierarchies, all the while set against the pragmatic world of the birds themselves.' Henry Fetorz, Brighton Writers Magazine, February 2022. Published by Balsam Books, Brighton. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Flight-Patterns-deceit-migratory-instinct/dp/B09SNW9KCX ...